Milan Pekař

Milan Pekař astonished us in 2004 with his acoustic collection, and a few years later with his diploma work at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in which the vase became a factory chimney and the porcelain light was in the shape of a sinking Titanic. For Křehký in 2015, Milan designed Round Vase inspired by both a Greek amphora as well as by a Moravian jug, and in the same year he also designed Small Vase for tiny flowers. Both vases are made from porcelain. “I am not worried about the future of porcelain. Such a useful and stable material that can be made relatively simply from mud will always find an application. I specifically like it for this reason,” says Milan, who also works as an assistant specialist in the ceramic and porcelain atelier at the Prague Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design.

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